
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Design: Cookie Crunch

I have been in a flier-creating frenzy before the move. I am absolutely loving it! My latest creation was for an annual event at our base called Cookie Crunch. Many (if not all) bases do something similar. Cookies are donated and sorted to give to all the military members that live in the dorms. This helps spread some holiday cheer to those single guys and gals. I have to admit that I have never actually participated in this event either as a volunteer or by baking some cookies, but I really need to at our next base. It's such a fun reason to bake up a big batch of cookies. This year our base has to collect something like 500 dozen cookies to cover all the dorm residents. It's a huge undertaking, but so worthwhile.

Fonts Used:
Little Lord Fontleroy NF
Janda Elegant Handwriting

Monday, November 7, 2016

Design: Fashion Bingo

Here is the final version (edited for my blog, though) of the Bingo flier for our Officers' Spouses' Club. I was lucky and found the image right away in my Google search and it would be hard to find a better fit.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Design: Designer Bingo

The big social of the year for the Officers' Spouse Club is Bingo. It is the get-together with the largest attendance and the most prizes. Last year the theme was purse bingo and everyone left with something. I won a great bag from Thirty-One Gifts.

Originally for this year's theme it was going to be Designer Bingo. After I started the flier, the theme changed a bit. But I thought it was a fun design, so I am sharing it with you anyway. Tiffany & Co. was the inspiration for the background. And since it was designer themed, I wanted to keep the color scheme simple and classic.

Fonts Used:
Rhumba Script NF

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Travel: Yosemite

One of Charles' big bucket list items for our time in California was to visit Yosemite. Of course, we waited until almost the last minute to take a trip there. We visited on October 1st which happened to be the anniversary of the park. We totally did not plan that.

I do have to preface this next part by saying I don't think it was the ideal time of year to visit Yosemite. I've heard it is better to go around April when the waterfalls are flowing. In October, the water was definitely not flowing. With that said, I did not love Yosemite as much as some of the other places we have visited on the west coast. I have several friends who love, love, love Yosemite and I just wasn't feeling it. But it was worth visiting, especially because we had free admission (thank you military discount)!

On the way back to our hotel in Jamestown, I was feeling carsick. The roads are quite curvy and after hiking I am especially susceptible to car sickness. We stopped for dinner at one of the towns outside of Yosemite. A BLT was just what I needed to cure my upset tummy. I just need to suck it up in the future and buy those special bracelets and anything else I can get my hands on to prevent motion sickness. I had forgotten my Tummy Rub essential oil blend. It would have been the perfect time to try it out.

Doesn't this look like a green screen background? We thought so, but it's totally a real life background.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Design: Thrift Shop

I was asked to create another flier for our base thrift shop since they are expanding their hours to include the first and third Wednesday evenings.

Fonts Used

Monday, October 17, 2016

Design: Black Cat Bunco

This month I am hosting Bunco for our Officers' Spouses' Club. When someone hosts, they have the pleasure of picking the theme for the evening. My initial thought was Alice in Wonderland, but then I thought I should do something more in line with October and Halloween. Then I realized a black cat theme would be perfect! I already own a bunch of black cat decor items and I have two black cats. Perfect!

Fonts Used

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Design: Death by Chocolate

The Officers' Spouses' Club social for October is a murder mystery. This year's theme is Death by Chocolate. This is going to be amazing! Of course, I was tasked with creating the flier.

Fonts used
Vladimir Script