
Monday, September 7, 2015

The season for apples

With the long Labor Day weekend, we intended to visit Eureka and check out the Avenue of the Giants along the way. However all last week I was feeling under the weather and had not quite recovered by the weekend. On Saturday, we spent some time in Folsom and stayed the night. On Sunday we visited Apple Hill which has tons of apple farms and other great spots for fall treats.

Charles love, love, loves apples so our first stop was to Denver Dan's for apple picking. They had a ton of different varieties. Charles filled two buckets of apples. We also purchased some apple cider to enjoy after walking around in the warm, September afternoon. It was so refreshing!

Our next stop was the Fudge Factory Farm. Near the fudge shop were a bunch of tents each with different handmade goods. It was fun to walk around and see all the different items for sale.

With our car full of apples, we headed home. It was a great day!

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